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  • ArunAntonio
    11-21 08:36 PM
    - Is it possible to change your employer and port your PD after the I140 is
    - I know that the Complete process of labour ect.. needs to be restarted but
    what if the previous I140/labour is revoked by the previous employer (Can
    the previous employer do that ?)
    - Can the above be done when the person is on their 8th year H1 extenstion?

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  • pbuckeye
    02-12 08:54 AM

    lets put the "you said .. I said" aside and just evaluate the definition of "assigned" and "used" visa numbers.

    - correct me if I am wrong but I think Ron implies - "some numbers are assigned but then not used. These numbers still show up as used in the data report (since they were assigned)".

    We have established that there is no document to support this but can we find out if this assumption can be true?

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  • alterego
    09-10 06:15 PM
    Actually even the Brits. have a rule in their immigration process stating that if you have spent a total of 10 yrs in that country, that alone is a basis for a PR card there. Citizenship is another 1 yr after that(there is currently some debate about making it 2 mainly over spousal PR cards). This rule is based on the premise that if you have been part of the society for that length of time then you have contributed sufficiently to warrant peership. So by this score, many of those who posted that they have been here since earlier than 1999 would have been eligible even absent the employers assistance.
    Given that we have been tax paying, law abiding and patiently waiting through a bureaucratic system that has to date not approved 500K visas that they could have, we have a legitimate grouse to any fair minded person. We have contributed tremendously through our purchasing power and in many other ways to this economy.

    As it stands however the system is mainly screwing EB India. Ideally they should start up a Country caps for H1b visas also. Only then will the foolishness of per country quotas for EMPLOYMENT BASED immigration be fully apparent. I see potentially another example of this "managed overflow" system at work here.
    It seems likely on the Oct. VB that EB3 ROW would have been afforded a much more generous PD than EB2I. Based on the USCIS's assertion that henceforth spillover will be horizontal before vertical, the presumption can then be that EB3ROW would basically be limited to 28% of 140K, on that basis and recent retrogression for EB3ROW, those numbers should be used up rapidly. I'll bet that this will not happen. A whole lot of "managing" is going on.

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  • bayarea07
    09-10 02:20 PM
    I dont think its the Right Link the link that you sent has lot of action going on but
    has people moving all over the place and no action

    I found another link. Not sure if its the right one ?


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  • dtekkedil
    07-16 06:18 PM
    Lets come up with some suggestions to counter-attack these false propoganda. Few thoughts??
    1. Will gandhigiri work with them? Not just sending flowers but using other Gandhi ways as well.
    2. Should core post some article on the home page.."Top 10 Myths About Employment Based Immigration" and include tax as one of the myths.
    Reason, i'm saying this is that in my company there are several americans who think that way even though they are ok with immigration. They think that we do not pay any tax here.
    3. Educate numberusa and other anti-immigration people about. I know we might not be able to educate the core people over their but we might be able to educate other member joining there.

    Any other thoughts?..

    The only way to counter this is to fax the senators and reps stating the "real" facts!

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  • Jaime
    09-10 12:45 PM
    No in-state tuition for legals (only for illegals) - You are a legal high-skilled immigrant and have played by all the rules while contributing greatly to the economy, yet your children are not eligible for in-state tuition, while the children of illegal aliens ARE!!!!!


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  • onemorecame
    10-05 01:21 PM

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  • svr_76
    07-29 11:51 AM
    Filing H1 and GC(Perm) are 2 different problems. H1 is temporarily hiring a skilled resource whereas GC is the intent to sponser for permanent immigration. And hence PERM processing is more involved.

    Big corporation, which have to maintain accurate HR job descriptions/codes etc find that during PERM advertisement, they do find qualified applicants. At that point they cannot continue the process. This "recruitment" process is the most costly of the entire GC process and if they "find/receive" applications from qualified citizens/GC holders/Or ppl who dont need sponsership (read EAD) then they have to stop that process....

    So saying that we will do GC is fine..but the current ground realities are different. You can get GC done from Desi consultant bcos the skirt the whole issue and "make" up the job requirement they want..well (read hell) they will even run fake pay stubs for they can do wonders.


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  • alias
    06-10 01:37 PM
    Incorrect. You have to submit proof of employment. Basically a letter from employer. If you are unemployed that that will raise a red flag and you cannot renew your EAD anyways. So current and future employment letter is a must for getting EAD. Sometimes they even ask you for salary slips if they suspect your employment. In this proposed amendment the employer also has an obligation to record layoffs and inform government. That makes it very tough for EAD guys to renew their EADs. Even if you are not working for the same company that filed your EAD, USCIS record can show there were layoffs and your applications will be in trouble. Expect lot of RFE and denials. Remember AC21 denials last year?

    all you need to file an EAD renewal is:

    copy of your old EAD
    2 Passport photos
    copy of I-94
    & the filing fee

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  • MDix
    02-11 06:56 PM

    Calm down, PresidenO gave you good comment and you got carried away thinking that President Obama praise you. Just vent your frustration somewhere else.


    I saw your past comment and it seems like you have an Attitude problem.

    If something your are not agree or disagree that's fine but there is now way to go this far.

    Thanks so much for your kind words.

    I don't blame readers who start making noise without basic verification. Most people have difficulty understanding the difference between cap and quota Or Permanent job vs W2 job.

    Not a legal advice.


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  • alterego
    09-20 07:55 PM
    In addition to family based immigration, legal immigration includes asylum, refugees (with a special category for Iraqi refugees) and may be more!

    You forgot the weirdest one..................the diversity green card!:)

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  • bestin
    12-21 08:33 PM
    My friend working in company A on L1...he has approved H1 also...if he needs to move from L1 to H1, does he needs to go out of country and get it stamped before he starts working on H1?
    AFAIK,a person can have only one status at a time.He is already in H1 if he had a I94 attached.However if he intends to travel out of the country and reenter he needs to get his visa stamped .If he has applied 485 then, he also has the option of using AP ,if it is approved.


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  • gc28262
    08-10 03:26 PM
    Before proposing a solution, we need to make sure these are valid arguments. We need to crack INA ourselves to make sure were making a valid legal argument.

    Those of you are willing to join effort on the following thread, please pm GCPerm.

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  • nitinboston
    04-09 03:38 PM
    same story every month, KLPD


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  • gkrish
    04-27 03:10 PM
    Would like to post my experience at the point of entry recently.
    Just got back from an India vacation trip and entered thru SEA airport. Am still on a H1B(8 years running) and was a bit concerned about the posts saying that H1B are being questioned at the POE. In fact, before leaving I got a chance to speak to someone who runs a small consulting firm and his advice was to cancel my trip and avoid any Interntional travel.

    But I went anyways went ahead since I had the confidence/hope due to working for a huge American organization; a name which will anyone will recognize.
    I have a AP as well and was prepared to use it if faced with issues on re-entering with H1.
    To my pleasant surprise, the immigration process took less than 2 mts, the fastest in my personal experience ever. Just 2 questions were asked by the officer who was very polite and friendly -- where do I work and for how long. Thats it.
    Will conclude that if one if you work for a fairly reputable/well known orgn, then travelling on H1B should not be an issue.


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  • makemygc
    07-05 10:02 AM
    Strange to find that any thread which asks for contribution is pushed down the toilet within seconds whereas people are just too fond of discussing all idiotic things like..July 2 filers, July 3 filers, Will USCIS return our appllications, so on and so forth.


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  • nitlsu
    06-12 08:45 AM
    Done for me and spouse. We also had ~20 other people in my neighborhood including citizens/GC send this.

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  • h1techSlave
    11-10 10:20 PM
    Pushing for such small changes is the right thing to do.

    IV has people on the national advisory board that include the previous USCIS ombudsman, what is their take on this? I have not seen any thoughts from such experts that support this organization on this issue of quarterly spillover

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  • PERM12
    08-11 11:42 AM
    count me in.... but we should also include not just this but also Flexibility of all and any one who is on H1 and H4. immeterial of they in EB2 or EB3. All one is required is Flexibility ...

    Flexibility to leave the current job and go join a college without worrying about status
    Flexibility to take a vacation for a month to visit places and friends without worrying about nex project
    Flexibility to change employers and get a better position and offer
    Flexibility to work in position you deserve..rather than rot in the same job profile b'cos your GC process is pending
    Flexibility to invent and develop ideas and work on itself rathar than work for some company which undermines, underpays those ideas and inventions

    most of us might reply it only happens when you are Green'd but that is not what i am expecting...this is for all those who are going through it and who will be going through it in future.

    Lets also work for drastic change in the employment based work permits.

    11-22 12:36 PM
    Hi guys
    my question is same as in the previous post of Arun.
    I wanted to know if the I 140 was approoved from previous employer and if u change the job and restart the gc again can u stiil use the old I 140 prority dates(even if the previous employer revoked the old I140).

    04-10 10:35 AM
    please participate

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