Paris Hilton couter sues over wearing someone else hair

If you remember that a while back we blogged that Paris Hilton was being sued by Hairtech for breach of contract, well we have a update for you.  Paris is now counter suing the company for 2.1 million in damages and 400,000 in attorney fees, plus 500,000 in declaratory relief.  Paris claims the company failed to pay her 1.7 million and that they secretly altered documents with her signature.  Along with counter suing the hair extension company, Paris denies she was unprofessional and claims the company's CEO Chris Volek wrote her an email praising her performance after she filmed a commercial for the company. According to gossip website TMZ, the email said "Hey Paris. I know it was a long day, but baby you 'Rocked.' Just from the takes I saw this is going to be one hellava commercial, you were genuinely amazing."  All this because she was seen wearing a competitor's hair piece which was probably used by her stylist, was unable to attend a Hairtech event because she was arrested for something or other.
Geez, you did hire Paris Hilton right?  What did they expect?


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