JAKARTA(SI) – Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) membatalkan seluruh pasal dalam Undang- Undang (UU) No 9/2009 tentang Badan Hukum Pendidikan (BHP). MK menilai semua isi UU BHP bertentangan dengan UUD 1945.
”Majelis menyatakan, UU No 9 Tahun 2009 tentang BHP Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2009 No 10,Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia No 4965 tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat,” tegas Ketua Majelis Hakim MK Mahfud MD saat membacakan putusan uji materi UU ini di Ruang Sidang Gedung MK, Jakarta, kemarin.
Salah satu yang menjadi dasar keputusan MK adalah adanya ketentuan penyeragaman pendidikan yang diatur dalam UU ini dalam bentuk BHP.MK menyatakan tidak menemukan alasan yang mendasar atas diperlukannya penyeragaman pendidikan yang diselenggarakan masyarakat dalam bentuk BHP. Hakim konstitusi Fadlil Sumadi mengungkapkan, salah satu yang menjadi sorotan MK adalah Pasal 4 ayat 1 UU BHP.
Pasal ini meminta agar BHP dikelola dengan dana mandiri dan prinsip nirlaba. Namun, menurut MK, pasal ini akan memunculkan permasalahan, terutama untuk perguruan tinggi di daerah. Sebab, banyak perguruan tinggi di daerah akan kesulitan mendapatkan sumber dana mandiri. ”Dalam keadaan tidak adanya kepastian sumber dana yang bisa didapat oleh sebuah BHP, sasaran yang paling rentan adalah peserta didik,yaitu dengan cara menciptakan pungutan dengan nama lain di luar biaya sekolah atau kuliah yang akhirnya secara langsung atau tidak langsung membebani peserta didik,”tegas Fadlil saat membacakan pertimbangan.
Karena itu, menurut dia, UU BHP dinilai bertentangan dengan Pasal 28D ayat 1 UUD 1945 tentang pengakuan yang sama di hadapan hukum. Selain itu, UU BHP juga bertentangan dengan Pasal 31 UUD 1945 tentang hak warga negara untuk mendapatkan pengajaran dan pembentukan sistem pengajaran nasional. Selain membatalkan UU BHP, MK juga memutuskan uji materi UU 20/2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Sisdiknas). Beberapa pasal di dalam UU Sisdiknas ditafsirkan ulang oleh MK.
Salah satunya adalah pasal yang menjadi landasan pembentukan UU BHP, yakni Pasal 53 ayat 1. Dalam pasal ini terdapat frase ”badan hukum pendidikan”.Menurut MK, frase ini yang kemudian dimaknai sebagai sebutan fungsi penyelenggara pendidikan dan bukan sebagai bentuk badan hukum tertentu. Salah satu kuasa hukum pemohon, Luhut Pangaribuan, menyatakan dasar pembatalan UU BHP adalah dihapuskannya Pasal 53 ayat 1 pada UU Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.
Sebab,menurut dia, pasal inilah yang menjadi dasar pembentukan dan pengaturan BHP. Luhut mengungkapkan, putusan MK ini adalah putusan yang berpihak pada seluruh lapisan masyarakat.” Dari putusan ini terlihat bagaimana kenegarawanan hakim MK,”tegasnya.
Salah satu pemohon, Ketua Asosiasi Badan Penyelenggara Perguruan Tinggi Seluruh Indonesia (BPPTSI) Thomas Suyatno mengatakan, sejak semula pihaknya tidak sepakat dengan UU BHP. Sebab,menurut dia,dengan UU ini akan ada penyeragaman semua level pendidikan dari sekolah dasar (SD) hingga perguruan tinggi. (kholil)
Drew Barrymore Slick Ponytail Hairstyle 2010
Drew Barrymore Slick Ponytail Hairstyle 2010
Ponytail hair style looks sexy on any beautiful woman and one of the best choices for any occasion. Drew Barrymore is wearing slick ponytail hairstyle while attending “He’s just not that into you” premiere. Beautiful and elegant !
Drew Barrymore Slick Ponytail Hairstyle 2009 Spring
2010 cool men hairstyles haircuts trends
2010 cool men hairstyles haircuts trends
Men Haircuts Pictures 2010 presents 2010 cool men hairstyles haircuts trends
For a men that want some new style and haircuts for 2010 to change his style here are some photos that can help you chose you haircut.
Men Haircuts Pictures 2010 presents 2010 cool men hairstyles haircuts trends
For a men that want some new style and haircuts for 2010 to change his style here are some photos that can help you chose you haircut.
2010 cool men hairstyles haircuts trends
2010 cool men hairstyles haircuts trends
Men Hairstyles With Long Fashionable Bangs 2010
Men Hairstyles With Very Long Fashionable Bangs 2010
Men Haircuts Pictures 2010 presents Men Hairstyles With Very Long Fashionable Bangs 2010
Young boys look more sexy when they apply side bangs to their hairstyles up to their shoulder or long enough to give a fashionable look. Below are so many great looking medium to long hairstyles for men with very long bangs blended in various haircuts. Men haircuts with bangs can be maintained easily and makes you much more attractive .
Men Haircuts Pictures 2010 presents Men Hairstyles With Very Long Fashionable Bangs 2010
Young boys look more sexy when they apply side bangs to their hairstyles up to their shoulder or long enough to give a fashionable look. Below are so many great looking medium to long hairstyles for men with very long bangs blended in various haircuts. Men haircuts with bangs can be maintained easily and makes you much more attractive .
Men Hairstyles With Very Long Fashionable Bangs 2010
Men Hairstyles With Very Long Fashionable Bangs 2010
Angelina Jolie Medium Length Layered Haircuts 2010
oww amazing!
Angelina Jolie Medium Length Layered Haircuts 2010
Angelina Jolie Medium Length Layered Haircuts 2010
Angelina Jolie is often associated with being one of the top beautiful women in Hollywood, and beauty and style seem to go hand in hand for this talented actress.Checkout the stunning long flowing brunette hairstyle of Angelina Jolie in the photos below.
Angelina Jolie Medium Length
Angelina Jolie Medium Length Layered Haircuts
Trendy Mullet Emo Hairstyles For Emo Youth 2010
Trendy Mullet Emo Hairstyles For Emo Youth 2010
Trendy Emo Hairstyles - Mullet Emo Hair
The mullet is one of the trendiest emo hairstyles. This can be worn by both boys and girls. In this style, the back of the hair has a ling pony tail. Many a times it’s dragged to one side of the head. In this style if the bangs are taken to the right side, then the tail is taken to the left side.
A straight fringe over the forehead is also used for emo hairstyles. Hair extensions are usually black in color and can be used extensively. One can also use dyed extensions depending on the color of the hair.
The block fringe is done in such away that it partially covers the eyes. The tips of the fringes can also be dyed another color. If you want to tie your hair to one side, then a number of hair clips and grips can be used. By using spray, the spikes in the hair can be used.
The mullet is one of the trendiest emo hairstyles. This can be worn by both boys and girls. In this style, the back of the hair has a ling pony tail. Many a times it’s dragged to one side of the head. In this style if the bangs are taken to the right side, then the tail is taken to the left side.
Black Mullet Emo Hair for Boys
Mad Rad Mullet Emo Hair
Paris Whitney Hilton hairstyles 2010
Paris Whitney Hilton hairstyles 2010
Born: Paris Whitney Hilton, in New York City, NY, on February 17th, 1981, to Kathy Richards and Rick Hilton.
Height: 5'7 1/2" (1.71 m)
Paris Hilton got her start doing commercials.
Paris Hilton's television and movie credits began in 2001 and include, Zoolander, Wonderland, The Cat in the Hat, The O.C., George Lopez Show, House of Wax, and The Simple Life.
Paris Hilton's siblings: Nicky Hilton, Barron Hilton, and Conrad Hilton
Born: Paris Whitney Hilton, in New York City, NY, on February 17th, 1981, to Kathy Richards and Rick Hilton.
Height: 5'7 1/2" (1.71 m)
Paris Hilton got her start doing commercials.
Paris Hilton's television and movie credits began in 2001 and include, Zoolander, Wonderland, The Cat in the Hat, The O.C., George Lopez Show, House of Wax, and The Simple Life.
Paris Hilton's siblings: Nicky Hilton, Barron Hilton, and Conrad Hilton
Short Emo Boys Hairstyles Fashion Trends 2010
Short Emo Boys Hairstyles Fashion Trends 2010
The Emo scene is one that has now taken the world by storm.
Emo hair style
Emo in in the 2000’s is what punk was in the 1980’s. And one of the most important aspects of being emo is having a good emo haircut. Emo haircuts are like punk hair of the 80’s. If you didn’t have a punk hairstyle, then there was no way you would be accepted into the scene. Therefore, we’ve collated a few pictures so you can save and print and take them to your hair stylist.
Emo hairstyle
Emo hair style
Emo in in the 2000’s is what punk was in the 1980’s. And one of the most important aspects of being emo is having a good emo haircut. Emo haircuts are like punk hair of the 80’s. If you didn’t have a punk hairstyle, then there was no way you would be accepted into the scene. Therefore, we’ve collated a few pictures so you can save and print and take them to your hair stylist.
Emo hairstyle
Emo hairstyles
Emo hairstyle for guys
Chad Michael Murray Men Hairstyles 2010
Chad Michael Murray Men Hairstyles 2010
Men Haircuts Pictures 2010 presents Chad Michael Murray Cool Men Hairstyles 2010
Chad Michael Murray, an American actor and former fashion model. Chad Michael Murray wears some cool cut short hair on sides and longer on top. Also some blonde highlights are added to Chad Michael Murray hairstyle.The style is very comfortable to wear and can be quickly styled using gel or wax. hair was have also been added to complete the look. The style works best for straight hair.Check the photos here:
Men Haircuts Pictures 2010 presents Chad Michael Murray Cool Men Hairstyles 2010
Chad Michael Murray, an American actor and former fashion model. Chad Michael Murray wears some cool cut short hair on sides and longer on top. Also some blonde highlights are added to Chad Michael Murray hairstyle.The style is very comfortable to wear and can be quickly styled using gel or wax. hair was have also been added to complete the look. The style works best for straight hair.Check the photos here:
Chad Michael Murray Cool Men Hairstyles 2010
Chad Michael Murray Cool Men Hairstyles 2010
Chad Michael Murray Cool Men Hairstyles 2010
Best Men Haircuts for Summer 2010
Best Men Haircuts for Summer 2010
Men Haircuts Pictures 2010 presents Best Men Haircuts for Summer 2010
If you have thin hair this can help you maximize coverage and minimize the appearance of thinning.These are some haircuts for great guys hairstyles for thinning hair.To make this cool mens haircut looks great. This is a good short haircut for men who with light thinning on top. The model’s hair is cut short all over with the sides and back tapering slightly.
Men Haircuts Pictures 2010 presents Best Men Haircuts for Summer 2010
If you have thin hair this can help you maximize coverage and minimize the appearance of thinning.These are some haircuts for great guys hairstyles for thinning hair.To make this cool mens haircut looks great. This is a good short haircut for men who with light thinning on top. The model’s hair is cut short all over with the sides and back tapering slightly.
Best Men Haircuts for Summer 2010
Best Men Haircuts for Summer 2010
Best Men Haircuts for Summer 2010
Kerouac, joy, sadness, then joy again
What a strange, long, complex, filled up day. It started to early in an Ambien haze that still couldn't get me to sleep, me wandering around, shapes-shifting, on too few hours of sleep my necessary fuel, with all these impossible tasks banging at the door needing to be finished, a scholarly article and another abstract for another paper that I only dreamed up four days ago, due now, and all my straining at the bit, and my crap ass body that has just jumped ship on me lately, dragging around these leaden bones, and somehow, in a strange turn of events that never usually happens, I finished everything that needed finishing.
Picked up Joseph since D had class all night, already exhausted, but Joseph and me still had this lovely little evening together, eating pita chips and this to-die-for hummas, then eating broccoli and hummas till the whole little container was used up, used broccoli to wipe up the last little bits, me and him on the couch, munching down, watching Mythbusters. But ramping up the discipline too b/c he's been a little butt lately, and drinking a beer while he wailed his head off in time-out, then snuggling close again and doing I Spy before bed.
Then reading poor sad Jack Kerouac, bearing down on me hard he's so sad, watching him spiral down in Big Sur, but he's such a damn good writer, he takes you down with him. But that's not the place I want to be. I had to stop reading, even though it's due to be read by class tomorrow. Everything to him is frightening and terrors, sinister hills and mad drinking binges making his nightmarish images all worse. And then so much death, and this class has gotten kind of all conflated in my mind and emotions with this girl who killed herself midway through the semester. Sort of I feel like it's not even my right, my place, to talk about her. I didn't know her, had only spoken to her directly a few times. A bunch of other people in the class have been in the poetry program with her for three years. And when dear old Jack sees death everywhere, in his favorite cat, an otter on the beach, a mouse because he left the lid off the rat poison--I just... and I don't have a place to talk--I've had some hard stuff, but never the death of anybody close to me, I don't know what that means, I feel sacriligious like an outsider in a class full of grievers, but then I think about her a lot too. Alive, then not. It's something I can't wrap my head around.
Sad Jack, I can't bear you right now. I know there's a time for entering down into other people's sadnesses and the art too, but I've built my life around acknowledging grim reality while still building up a structure of meaning to raise my head up out and manage to tread water. Happiness. Positives. Comfort. John Green, a YA author I love, I came across a quote of his today, watching a videologue he'd done: the idea "that true love will triumph in the end, which may or may not be true, but if it’s a lie, it’s the most beautiful lie we have.”
Picked up Joseph since D had class all night, already exhausted, but Joseph and me still had this lovely little evening together, eating pita chips and this to-die-for hummas, then eating broccoli and hummas till the whole little container was used up, used broccoli to wipe up the last little bits, me and him on the couch, munching down, watching Mythbusters. But ramping up the discipline too b/c he's been a little butt lately, and drinking a beer while he wailed his head off in time-out, then snuggling close again and doing I Spy before bed.
Then reading poor sad Jack Kerouac, bearing down on me hard he's so sad, watching him spiral down in Big Sur, but he's such a damn good writer, he takes you down with him. But that's not the place I want to be. I had to stop reading, even though it's due to be read by class tomorrow. Everything to him is frightening and terrors, sinister hills and mad drinking binges making his nightmarish images all worse. And then so much death, and this class has gotten kind of all conflated in my mind and emotions with this girl who killed herself midway through the semester. Sort of I feel like it's not even my right, my place, to talk about her. I didn't know her, had only spoken to her directly a few times. A bunch of other people in the class have been in the poetry program with her for three years. And when dear old Jack sees death everywhere, in his favorite cat, an otter on the beach, a mouse because he left the lid off the rat poison--I just... and I don't have a place to talk--I've had some hard stuff, but never the death of anybody close to me, I don't know what that means, I feel sacriligious like an outsider in a class full of grievers, but then I think about her a lot too. Alive, then not. It's something I can't wrap my head around.
Sad Jack, I can't bear you right now. I know there's a time for entering down into other people's sadnesses and the art too, but I've built my life around acknowledging grim reality while still building up a structure of meaning to raise my head up out and manage to tread water. Happiness. Positives. Comfort. John Green, a YA author I love, I came across a quote of his today, watching a videologue he'd done: the idea "that true love will triumph in the end, which may or may not be true, but if it’s a lie, it’s the most beautiful lie we have.”
Cool Military Haircuts for Men - 2010 Hairstyles
Cool Military Haircuts for Men - 2010 Hairstyles
A lot guys love this cool Military haircuts, whether you are in Military or not.These short cool haircuts are great and easy to do. Check the photos here for these great men hairstyles for
Cool Military Haircuts for Men - 2010 Hairstyles Trends
Cool Military Haircuts Pics for Men hairstyles 2010
Cool Military Haircuts for Men - 2010 Hairstyles Trends
Cool Military Haircuts Pics for Men hairstyles 2010
Cool Military Haircuts Pics for Men hairstyles 2010
Cool Military Haircuts Pics for Men hairstyles 2010
Alyson Hannigan Long Length Celebrity Hairstyles 2010
Alyson Hannigan Long Length Celebrity Hairstyles 2010
In February 2006, Hannigan starred as Julia Jones in Date Movie, a parody on romantic comedies.
Celebrity hairstyles Alyson Hannigan
Celebrity hairstyles Alyson Hannigan
Celebrity hairstyles Alyson Hannigan
Celebrity hairstyles Alyson Hannigan
Celebrity hairstyles Alyson Hannigan
Celebrity hairstyles Alyson Hannigan
Fashion Trends, Winter Autumn 2010
Fashion Trends, Winter Autumn 2010
Cameron Diaz Long Blonde Celebrity Hairstyles 2010
Cameron Diaz Long Blonde Celebrity Hairstyles 2010
Celebrities hairstyles - Cameron Diaz
Celebrities hairstyles - Cameron Diaz
Celebrities hairstyles - Cameron Diaz
Celebrities hairstyles - Cameron Diaz
Cameron Diaz has changed her hairstyle for the second time in as many weeks.
A partygoer told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "She was totally unrecognisable. The blonde hair was her trademark but all the men in the room couldn't take their eyes off her."
A partygoer told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "She was totally unrecognisable. The blonde hair was her trademark but all the men in the room couldn't take their eyes off her."
Celebrities hairstyles - Cameron Diaz
Celebrities hairstyles - Cameron Diaz
Celebrities hairstyles - Cameron Diaz
Celebrities hairstyles - Cameron Diaz
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